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» Listings for November 2012

  1. Dremembering

    Do you remember or do you find that you are often searching for words that you know but are forgetting for the moment?  If so you are likey to be at least 30 and have probably seen an increase in this type of forgetfulness as the post 30 years progress. 

    I've often heard it referred to as a senior moment!

    It doesn't bother you much when it is infrequent and it can be laughed off as over loaded with things to thiink about, too much stress and such like.

    Do you tartle?  If you hesitate when introducing someone because you have forgotten their name you would be tartling if you lived in Scotland.  It's probably a good way to refer to it - tartling sounds quite interesting and is not readily associated with aging or loosing your memory.  It seems to put a more positive slant on it.

    We are all fearful of the big 'D' word - dementia, which could be perceived to be a total loss of control of the mind or indeed loss of the mind itself. 

    Where dementia is not fully understood, memory loss associated with age is.

    As we get older we notice physiological changes, for instance, we cannot do as much as we used to, our muscles don't recover as quickly from damage, we tire more quickly - that is also relevant to our brain and mental faculties.  Whilst it's not really a problem, there are things we can do to help slow it down.  Let's first understand some of the situation that arise with age.

    The part pf the brain that deals with memory deteriorates with age.

    Hormones and proteins that protect and repair brain and nerve cells are not as active with age.

    Bllod flow is often not a good as you get older and this can also affect the memoru.

    You do not absorb nutrients as easily as you get older and therefore your brain isn't getting as much food as it used to and more is passing straight through.

    Knowledge is great because no we understand it is a bit more obvious about some of the things you can do to help.

    • Exercise regularly to increase the flow of blood around your system and in turn to your brain and the side benefit is that if you exercise and bring up you pulse rate it will also help to scrap the cholesterol from the lining of your blood vessels..
    • Take digestive enzymes but don't just go and buy any old thing make sure your are taking the right ones, there are different digestive enzymes for different nutrient absorbtion and different ways to take them for best benefit.  Ask us.
    • Sleep well.
    • Keep socialising and keep life fun
    • Laugh
    • Eat the right kinds of foods and stay off the unhealthy stuff, even more important for lots of reason as you get older.
    • Do something about your stress levels if you get overwrought with worries.  Cortisol, relaeased with stress, damages the brain over time.
    • Quit smoking NOW, one of the main  reasons for low blood to the brain and artery problems.
    • Take walks in the countryside and get with the green, look up at the sky and soak in the blue.
    • Keep your brain active with puzzles and problems solving.
    • Keep a good blance between relaxing and keeping busy.
    • Learn something new like a language or a hobby.
    • Always have a project and something to look forward to.
    • Don't drink alcholol to excess.
    • Get organised and write things down.

    Please add your own suggestions or comments.