Whats On

Soul Revival

Angel cloud

Soul Revival 

We took this photograph of a cloud formation in a small village in Normany many years ago. 

There were people around talking and oblivious or unimpressed.  What we saw was a huge angel towering above us and we had to snap it.

It was nature. The simple thrills that natures puts on for us are sometimes missed as life gets in the way.

In this age of stress and materialism we sometimes lose sight of our true soul. We allow our essence to be corrupted by the pressures of existence.

Get in touch with your deeper self.  Treat your soul gently and allow it to re-emerge and become an influencial part of every day of the rest of your life.

This will be a small experiential group packed full of activities and exercises for Soul Revival.

 Who should take part?

If life is getting you down, or is a bit too hectic

If you feel as though you are loosing your grip or you ask WHY?

If you’re looking for more balance, more me time

If you’re unhappy or just want to laugh more

If you have problems in relating or get angry, sad, depressed, confused

If you wonder which way to go or want to explore

If you feel there is a piece missing

Or you want more love in your life or to love more

If you want to dip your toes in the water or find peace

Or think it’s time to grow, take off your mask and open the door

If you want to know what makes you tick

Or to increase self-awareness, find your spiritual self,

Discover the meaning of life for you

Or you want more adventure … or hugs and comfort

 If you want any of these then you could come on this course.

 Cost is £75 for 6 weeks and a new you starting Wednesday 23rd Oct for 6 consecutive weeks

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