Fertility, Pregancy and Child Birth
Help with fertility
If you are hoping for a baby it can get very frustrating to find time after time that is just not happening for you. It is always a good idea to consult your GP who may refer you to a specialist. However, it is also worth consulting with us before undergoing any expensive fertility treatment.
Using a combination of techniques and therapies it is suprising how stimulating the bodies own resources, creating a better balance and the right conditions for a pregnancy can in some cases be successful. We are always happy to talk these things through with you and your spouse or partner to help you to consider this as an option for you. Just telephone: 0161 764 1440 or email: [email protected] and we'll arrange a suitable time to see you. If you decided to go ahead we would put a programme together for you based on further discussions. We would explain why we recommend that approach and explain what would be involved and also give you a price quote.
Therapies we might recommend are acupuncture, yoga (one to one sessions), hypnotherapy, nutritional therapy for both prospective parents, reflexology, homeopathy.
Acupuncture is focused on clearing blocked energy channels.
Yoga excercises are used to stimulte the area around the reproductive organs and therefore creating a better environment for conception.
Hypnotherapy can deal with any fears or thought patterns that may be causing tension, amking conception more difficult than it needs to be. Also hypnotherapy can encourage a belief in your objective so that you have a more positvie approach. The energy you create with your thoughts has proved to be very effective in moulding your outcomes.
Nutritional therapy will ensure that you are taking in the most helpful nutrients for conception and ensuring that you are not subjecting your system to anything that may be less than supportive of your desires.
Reflexology not only helps you to relax but can also work with the energy pathways to help stimulate the neccessary parts of your body.
Homeopathy works subtly on the whole person making sure that you and your body are well prepared for conception.
Non of these approaches are a magic pill and therefore a combination of some (or all) would be recommended and over time may help you to acheive your dream.
Once you are pregnant, you obviously want to do everything you can to ensure that your body is the perfect vessel for your baby. We can help you to eat the right things and exercise correctly to prepare for a healthy hearty birth. We also offer birth preparation classes using a comination of methods. Dad can be involved too.
Therapies that could be involved include, Nutritional Therapy, Yoga and Hypnotherapy for Natural Birthing Support (see our baby wall for feedback from one mother), Acupuncture, Reflexology.
Read our article on pregnancy and exercise here
Thinking about the birth of your baby can be intimidating and fearful. Everyone seems to think that you need to scream.

Hypnotherapy for Happy Childbirth
You and your baby deserve the best pregnancy and birth that you can possible achieve and this includes being in control and confident enough to trust your body and allow nature to take its course.
Hypnotherapy can help you to prepare mentally, to understand the process and trust your body and to use techniques to make the birth a wonderful experience.
We run group classes on Mondays 6pm - 7pm the cost works out at £7 per session and is available in 5 week blocks - £35. You can book here for the next available block on Monday 13th March
You can also book private session for you or you and your partner. Please telephone 0161 764 1440
download your brochure by clicking the picture below
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Read Amanda Bower's experience of discovering hypnosis to help with childbirth as published in TIME MAGAZINE
THE PHONE RANG AT 7:30 A.M. AND I stumbled out of bed, bleary-eyed and eight months pregnant, to find a message from Dan Gilman: his wife Laura Beth was in labor. I had never met the Gilmans, but they had generously invited me to witness the birth of their third child. They were using a pain-control technique I was learning myself: hypnobirthing.
I quickly organized a trip to the birthing center in Danbury, Conn., but just one hour after Dan's call, before I'd even made it out of New York City, Mitchell Gilman made it into the world.
When I spoke to her a week later, Laura Beth was apologetic. I was ecstatic. She was living proof of what hypnobirthing proponents kept telling methat mothers who use this method of self-hypnosis to give birth in a trance-like, deeply relaxed state often enjoy miraculously short labors. "He came out 28 minutes after my waters broke," Laura Beth told me. "And I was not in pain. I was able to really relax."
I wasn't an easy convert to hypnobirthing. For a start, hypnosis made me think of a traveling showman inducing an audience member to dance like a chicken. On top of that, my mother, her mother, every mother I'd ever met had drummed into me that childbirth was agony. Painfree labor? Yeah, right. But my husband Alex-a doctor who sniggered every time my prenatal-yoga video urged me to open up like a lotus blossom-was hypnobirthing's unlikely champion.
As a scientist, he embraced the logic of hypnobirthing: if women are terrified of childbirth, the fight-or-flight reflex kicks in once the contractions start. This reflex shuts down organs that are nonessential to fighting and fleeing, including the uterus. With reduced blood flow, the uterus cramps, causing pain. If women could relax, the theory goes, they would experience no pain, have more effective contractions and therefore a shorter labor.
Marie Mongan, 71, a Concord, N.H., hypnotherapist, invented the technique and has taught it at her institute since 1989. When I told her I was afraid of failing at hypnobirthing, Mongan gave me simple advice: "Trust your body and your baby. They know what to do."
Alex and I signed up for private lessons with hypnobirthing teacher Suzanne Fremon. At first, I found it incredibly hard to clear my mind and relax. Expecting to find an ally in Alex, I vented after the first session about the silliness of imagining myself floating on rainbow clouds of mist. "Don't focus on the language," Alex said, sounding for all the world like a New Ager instead of a neurologist. "Focus on the intent." After a few weeks of practice on the subway, I could get to the end of taped 15-minute exercises and have no recollection of the train's having stopped. In our third of five sessions, Fremon pinched me while I was deeply relaxed. I felt nothing. When I was alert again, she pinched me as hard as before. I pulled away. Ouch!
Dr. Lome Campbell Sr., an upstate New York family practitioner and clinical professor of family medicine, introduced hypnobirthing to his practice four years ago. Since then, he says, his C-section rate has dropped from 25% to 1%, and none of his more than 200 hypnobirthing patients has ever requested analgesic drugs during labor.
Word is slowly spreading. Mongan has trained more than 1,700 people in 15 years. At the start, most were hypnotherapists and midwives. Now, about half are doctors and nurses. "This is not fringe or alternative," she says. "The more doctors and nurses see this, the more they realize it's no fluke."
Sadly, I didn't get to prove that point to my doctor-our son was a breech baby and delivered by caesarean section. But the hypnobirthing lessons were not in vain: they helped me cope when two anesthesiologists made six attempts at inserting my spinal block for surgery, and I was able to relax through the post-surgical pain with a minimum of medication. Four months later, when our son finally falls asleep each night, I know just how to relax and swiftly follow suit.