Our Retreat Story

Our Story: each paragraph is written by a different retreater, so it becomes our story, some people
arrive on Thursday and some on Friday so there may be differing views of the event..

We were invited by Mind and Body to attend a Yoga Retreat in Penmaenmawr. The weather is
fabulous and we are having a laugh and a very good time.

As we arrived at Penmaenmawr village the sun was shining on the sea and a beautiful glow of golden
yellow and orange spread across the bay. Arriving at Noddfa the usual room was waiting for me
feeling like home, my nest for the weekend. We were guided on a deep and relaxing journey which
was helpful after travelling to get here. Afterwards as we met in the lounge the frivolity began. We
plotted silly situations, laughed, created funny stories like pretending we were M16 agents and so forth
going to bed full of mirth.

Noddfa is a lovely place for a retreat. There are beautiful gardens, a relaxing chapel for yoga and it is
only a short stroll from the beach.

Through the tunnel with pictures on the walls, a surprise awaited us between the stones and the sea,
the middle felt smooth and wet. Hof type therapy was experienced and we walked onto the beach.
Noddfa is a wonderful place. We always have a lovely weekend walking down to the beach and
stroking the pussy called fifi.

We did yoga with Barry, walking and sitting meditation, collected daisy’s and wrote a paragraph for our story, tripping over the tree stump whist collecting flowers. Hopefully it will be curry for tea but sadly it will be without meat, chicken is my favourite. Looking forward to Brian’s talk and learning about Astral stuff. Hope I can cast a spell on Jane afterwards.

We are all connecting again at this wonderful retreat. I love the trees, The particular tree I was
attracted to was large. The trees form and important part of our weekend as we sit or lie under them
in the shade of their overhanging branches to keep cool during classes and activities. Above all we
unanimously love the nature we are surrounded by, the friends we reconnect with, summer sun. Can’t
wait for next year.

At the start of the weekend it can seem like a long way to climb like a mountain trying to juggle and
balance all the activities so we can fit a massage in and decide what to do in our free time. But
somehow it all works out. Andrea and Barry saved the day.

We have been very into doing things as a group. We did yoga and draped our boobs over the bolsters
- very Barbara Windsor! The positions were designed to open our hearts. In the evening we walked
down to the beach and collected pebbles - no fish and chips though! In the Chapel we finished the
evening bobbing up and down on imaginary boats, then floated off to bed and dreamland.

The time had come for a session of yoga. “Where shall we have this? In the sun or shade? At the
front or the back? Inside or out? So many questions. Some went one way, some another, some sat
under the trees, some lay in the sun. “My goodness” exclaimed Andrea “It’s like herding a bunch of
cats.” eventually everyone got together on the green and the yoga began.

I had been sleeping for some time now. But suddenly there was laughter, lots of laughter coming from
the gardens. I rolled out of bed and dressed quickly. I was still sleepy, I followed the laughter and
stepped out into the sunshine. They all laughed at me. I stood there working out the catch. Then I
realised Barry had taken his socks off. I too was now laughing, pointing and laughing. I joined the
circle with everyone else.

Can I just say it is clucking ridiculous that the cost of living crisis has meant that we ‘hens’ have to
work egg-stra hard to produce breakfast for you all this weekend. On saying that it is cornflakes and
toast. Definitely no case to solve this year (laughing) Peck peck cock a doodle do!!

Contributions from: Andrew Braiden (Writer), Soo Jones, Jane Doyle, Lynda Kenny, Isabel Houghton,
Anwen Noakes, Alan Stevens, Cath Barmingham, Jo Redding, Karen Ahmed, Heather Hyman

Interested in our next retreat June 2024?  Find out more here