
is a traditional style of Yoga which is a good mixture of standing, balancing, mat postures, flows, breathing, meditation and relaxation. The underlying aim of Hatha Yoga is to balance Body, Mind and Emotions. It is a great way to develop flexibility, suppleness and strength and improve the efficiency of your breathing. Regular practice helps you develop a calmer outlook on life. Classes vary from week to week.  Gentle Hatha ais to cam the body and mind, energising aims to revitalise.

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Beginners Hatha

 This class will demonstrate some of the basics of yoga and some of the more popular posturing. Some people feel this gives them a little more confidence when moving on to a regular class. It usually runs for 6 weeks most people feel ready to move on to another class but you are free to decide and you will be abke to discuss which class might be the most suitable for you to move on to if you are unsure.  But equally you could try a few and see which appeals. 

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 is a great complementary style for those already practising yoga - it allows the soft tissure in and around the muscles and in joints including the spine to gently stretch for longer to aid comfort and flexibility . It is also a very calming and relaxing style. There are variations in pose to suit all anatomies - yin is evolving so no longer just a complementary style it is becoming a style in its own right. Look also for Yin Yoga and Mindfulness Class which is a more releasing format and allows for cultivation of immersing into the present moment...releasing to the resistence with breath and bodily sensations..this allows us to build strength with gentle acceptance of the physical difficulties we encounter on the mat so helping us with similar experiences off the mat.  

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This restorative Yoga session is ideal for those recovering from illness or injury and desire a more gentle and passive flow. It is also useful for those with conditions that present low energy levels such as fibromyalgia and M.E. or indeed for anyone who simply wishes to release and let go for an hour. It is a truly relaxing experience where all postures are supported with soft cusions and/or bolsters. The body is able to stretch and relax in complete comfort.  Normally running periodically

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For Back problems: Yoga for the back is a useful session for those with backache, degenerative or other back issues that can benefit from movement. It is now recognised that working with the structure around the problem area can give the problem support to impove. These sessions will explore a range of postures that can help strengthen the muscular and skeletal structure around the back without pain. the back will be the focus and the remainder of the body will be drawn in, oncorporating its potential strengths, resources to support and neutralise the back imbalances. Currently delivered as a workshop or one to one private class

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