Studio Etiquette
These are some of the polite things to do when attending a yoga class.
Before Class:
Please be on time. As a courtesy to the teachers and other students, please arrive early enough to settle in without rushing. If you are late, occasionally it is not a problem (letting us know would be great) but please be conscious of the other yogis and be as quiet as possible. Occasionally things happen that can't be anticipated or avoided. If you are late please do come in - just try not to make a habit of it.
The yoga room is intended to be a quiet zone. Please refrain from any loud talking in the yoga room. Many students use the time before class to quiet and center themselves as they prepare for class.
Please do not step on mats other than the one you are using at all times before, during and after the class.
Turn off your phone.
Remove your shoes and leave them outside the studio
During Class:
Honor the peacefulness and grace of the room by moving quietly and gracefully.
Leaving the room during class should be limited to emergencies. If you absolutely must leave the room, please do so between postures. Also, please return to the class between postures. Leaving and entering the room during postures can be disruptive to other students trying to focus and balance. There is a bathroom ensuite so it is easy to slip from the class for this purpose and a good time to do so is during resting postures.
Practice stillness in the body and stillness in the mind between postures (this may be the hardest part of class in the beginning).
No social conversations during class please. This can be very distracting for the teacher and other students. You usually have a chance for this over the drink at the end of the class.
Have an open mind and have fun!
After Class:
Please leave the room quietly. Therapists may also be working in rooms that you are passing please respect their need for silence too.
Please fold and return your blankets with a care and respect that reflects the way you collected it. This is an important ritual that shows respect for the studio and not just a tidying up exercise.
Have fun! Let go of your Type-A instincts and behaviours. This is not a race or a competition. It's just yoga, and it's just 90 minutes out of your entire day, so let your heart smile and enjoy.
Feeling like you want to give back? We have regular charity days where you can enjoy yoga and support a good cause.