The Town of Allopath
See how treating the symptoms leads to disaster

Aqua Detox
Chakra Balancing
Chi Machine
Success Coaching
Sports Massage
Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy
Yoga Therapy
Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)
Colour Therapy
1 - 1 Yoga
Sports Massage

Hypnotherapy is not about being put into a 'trance' and giving up control. Hypnotherapy involves you entering into a very relaxed state , you do not give up control and you are aware of what is going on around you. Under therapeutic hypnosis you cannot be made to do anything you do not want to do.
Andrea Lowe and is our Hypnotherapists

Chakra Balancing and Cleansing Chakra means wheel - in this case wheel of energy. We have several chakras throughout our body - major and minor ones. This process works with the majors chakras and aims to balances any blockages or over-stimulation leaving you feeling more harmonious. There are a number of ways to approach this process using colour, energy or colour crystals. cost £30 Andrea Lowe and Viv Wild offer Chakra balancing

Chi Machine - A fish like wave exercise that stimulates the acupuncture points down your spine encouraging detox and refreshing your system. 15 minutes exercise is said to be equivalent to 1 hour of hard aerobics or gym work. . No need for special clothing just loose and comfortable trousers. £6 for 15 mins

NLP is a method of pschotherapy that is able to create new behaviour or thought patterns in contrast to those that are inhibiting progress.
Everything you do, believe, imagine is recorded in your brain as though it were real. So that means every time you think you will fail, or be scared, or make a fool of yourself, you are reinforcing your ability to do that with ease. NLP is all about changing the way you think of these things so that you can transfer your abilities to more positive results.
Very useful in the work place where motivation is required.
Andrea Lowe is our NLP practitioners

Your choice of colour and the colours you don't choose reflect the balance of energy within your body.
In a similar way to being unable to not communicate you cannot not choose a colour. Colour can be used to help aid the healing process within your body and has been used successfully in burns units for instance where blue walls have been shown to speed up the recovery rate of severly burned children.
Imbalances in your body energies can result in your feeling not quite right but without there being anything consciously wrong and sometimes that is an inability to function to your maximum potential with one energy area of your life.
Colour therapy uses you choices of colour to aid the process followed by a period of energy therapy which might include light, coloured material or crystals. The aim being to give you the option to take a more balanced approach to approaches to life. Find out more about Andrea Lowe, the Colour Therapist

Back and Shoulder Massage
If you've been slaving over a hot desk or don't get the chance to move around too much, a little shoulder and back stiffness often becomes noticable. Just a simple massage to release all those tensions makes you feel 100% better. You could arrange to nip in around your lunch for half an hour.
We have a full range of massage options including:
Sports massage
Deep Tissue Massage
Remedial massage
our massage therapist is Bilall
Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes well-being. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. Reiki is carried out with tyhe client fully clothed and no touching takes place but the therapists hands 'hover' over the body.
Carole Anne Rafferty is our Reiki Therapist
One to one yoga is used for many reasons.
- People who can't get to regular classes
- Those who like the sessions targeted to their specific needs
- As a mentoring for newly qualified teachers
- As a monthly focus for those who attend regular classes